
The website

This blog’s purpose is to shed light on CSS and front-end development for those who are starting, while also trying to get in deeper into more complex areas, like CSS3.

Those of us who are already familiar with web standards, CSS and HTML coding, may have forgotten how we once started (especially if we moved from table-based design): it all looked a bit confusing at first, sometimes even impossible, nothing seemed to be in its right place, and after 4 hours into the night; all we wanted to do was jump out the window.

So, if you’d like to see a specific subject here, if you have a question, a doubt, and idea for a post, let me know.

The author


I’m a web designer. I’ve been one for almost 5 years now and sometimes I still remember (with a tremble) how difficult it was to drop the comfort of tables (because no-one had taught me better) and delve into CSS-based layouts.

I love what I do: I love that I don’t know everything, I love that I can learn every day, I love to do pretty and usable things, I love meeting new people that understand what I do and share ideas (you may find me at some web conferences) and I even love the ugly 90’s style websites (because I know there’s still work to be done).

I live in London, but I’m half Portuguese and half Panamanian and lived in Portugal for 19 years.

My other interests in life are: my cats, watching tv series, cooking, reading, travelling, sleeping, pretty icons and fonts, chocolates and pancakes with Aunt Jemima’s syrup.

If you’d like to know more about me, you can find me all over the internet:

Thank yous

Thank you: Peter Gent and Antony Kennedy, who read most of this blog’s posts to spot my typos and warn me when things don’t make much sense!

That’s it! Enjoy!