Podcasts I like

A few months ago, while I was still on maternity leave, I asked on Twitter for podcast recommendations. My son was getting more and more mobile, and we were going out more, so watching everything there was on Netflix while he napped on me was no longer possible, and the only podcast I was following…… Continue reading Podcasts I like

In Portland soon

Next month I’ll be speaking at View Source Conference. I’ve never visited Portland, or spoken at a Mozilla event for that matter, so when I was invited I jumped at the opportunity, and I can’t wait! My session will be focused on how to go about planning and working on a responsive retroffiting project when…… Continue reading In Portland soon

Categorized as Events

Responsive Day Out 2

Last month I had the pleasure of speaking at Responsive Day Out 2, in Brighton. My talk focused on the work that we’ve been doing at Canonical in the process of retrofitting our main site, ubuntu.com, to be responsive. We thought it would be cool to share our process, as we had a feeling that,…… Continue reading Responsive Day Out 2

Categorized as Events

Architect’s myopia

Before I get to my main point, I must mention (once again) the phenomenal quality of the hand-picked articles that are featured on the Give Me Something To Read website, the source of the piece I will be referring to in the following lines. The article “The Architect Has No Clothes”, by Michael Mehaffy and…… Continue reading Architect’s myopia

The wonderful calc() function

Sitting right at the top of my CSS wishlist was always the implementation of the calc() function. With it now being supported by not only Firefox 4 but Internet Explorer 9, I think it’s time for a quick overview on how useful calc() can be and why it would be great to see more usage…… Continue reading The wonderful calc() function

Categorized as CSS

Stand out from the crowd

Lately I’ve been going through lots of CV’s, as Canonical, the company I work for, is hiring a multitude of visual designers, user experience architects, front-end developers, etc. The other side Although I can’t say I have much experience interviewing and hiring people, when you’re suddenly on this side of the hiring process, some things…… Continue reading Stand out from the crowd

Categorized as Work method