Belgian beer types, or how to style a definition list the CSS3 way

Definition lists are an often forgotten HTML element, but they can be used in a wide variety of ways, and are actually the most semantically accurate element in many cases. So let’s see how we can mix up beer, HTML and CSS3, while explaining the purpose of the definition list element. When to use a…… Continue reading Belgian beer types, or how to style a definition list the CSS3 way

Categorized as CSS, HTML

Favourite website designs: GOOD

For this new installment of my Favourite Website Designs I picked GOOD, an online magazine that basically gives all their subscription money away to organizations. On a single website you have: good content, good design and a good cause, which makes the name pretty well chosen. GOOD An online magazine should be all about the…… Continue reading Favourite website designs: GOOD

Web design inspiration

I recently created a set on Flickr — Flickr Design Inspiration set — where I post web designs that I like and that I find inspiring, be it because of their overall look or some particular detail. Flickr as a source of inspiration On one of my recent posts, 25+ Unusual Flickr Groups For Inspiration,…… Continue reading Web design inspiration

Styling a poem with advanced CSS selectors

CSS3 selectors offer endless possibilities of targeting specific HTML elements without the need of extra markup (which was already possible with previous versions of CSS). This time, I’m going to style the popular nursery rhyme “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” using advanced CSS selectors, all in less than 5 minutes! Coding a poem There isn’t a…… Continue reading Styling a poem with advanced CSS selectors

Categorized as CSS, HTML

Favourite website designs: Ecoki

For my second Favourite Website Design article, I picked Ecoki, an eco-lifestyle community website. I like how the design feels really warm and integrated, and the attention that the designers payed to detail. Ecoki, The Eco-Lifestyle Community As I said, my favourite aspect of this website is the warmth of the whole theme, and how…… Continue reading Favourite website designs: Ecoki